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来源:汽车实用技术 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2021-01-19
摘要:Self-driving cars are expected to usher in a new era of mobility, safety and convenience. The problem, say transportation researchers, is that people will use them too much. [2] Experts foresee robot cars chauffeuring2chauffeur 开车运送,

Self-driving cars are expected to usher in a new era of mobility, safety and convenience. The problem, say transportation researchers, is that people will use them too much.

[2] Experts foresee robot cars chauffeuring2chauffeur 开车运送,为别人当汽车司机。children to school, dance class and baseball practice. The disabled and elderly will have new mobility. Commuters will be able to work, sleep,eat or watch movies on the way to the office. People may stay home more because they can send their cars to do things like pick up groceries they’ve ordered online.

[3] Researchers believe the number of miles driven will skyrocket3skyrocket 突升,猛涨。. It’s less certain whether that will mean a corresponding surge4surge 大量。in traffic congestion,but it’s a clear possibility.




[4] Gary Silberg, an auto industry expert at accounting firm KPMG, compares it to the introduction of smart phones. “It will be indispensable to your life,” he said. “It will be all sorts of things we can’t even think of today.”

[5] Based on focus group5focus group 焦点小组(选自各阶层,讨论某专项问题;所得信息常为市场研究者或某政党所用)。in Atlanta,Denver and Chicago, KPMG predicts autonomous “mobility-on-demand”services—think Uber and Lyft without a driver—will result in double-digit6double-digit 两位数的。increases in travel by people in two age groups: those over 65, and those 16 to 24.

[6] Vehicles traveled a record 3.1 trillion miles in the U.S. last year. Increased trips in autonomous cars by those two age groups would boost miles traveled by an additional 2 trillion miles annually by 2050, KPMG calculated. If self-driving cars without passengers start running errands7run errands 跑腿儿;处理杂事。, the increase could be double that.

[7] And if people in their middle years, when driving is at its peak, also increase their travel, that yearly total could reach 8 trillion miles. “This could be massive,” Silberg said.

[8] Driverless cars are expected to make travel both safer and human error responsible for 90 percent of traffic accidents, they’re expected to sharply reduce accidents,driving down the cost of insurance and repairs.



[6]去年,美国的汽车行驶里程达到了创纪录的3.1 万亿英里。据毕马威计算,到2050 年,这两个年龄段的自动驾驶汽车出行里程每年将会再增加2万亿英里。如果没有乘客的无人驾驶汽车开始“跑腿”,那么这种增长可能会翻一倍。



[9] But the biggest cost of car travel is drivers’ time, said Don MacKenzie,a University of Washington transportation researcher. That cost comes down dramatically when people can use their travel time productively on other tasks.

[10] A study by MacKenzie and other researchers published in the journal Transportation Research: Part A estimates that the vehicles can cut the cost of travel by as much as 80 percent. That in turn drives up miles traveled by 60 percent.

[11] There’s a fork ahead in this driverless road, says a report by Lauren Isaac, manager of sustainable transportation at WSP/Parsons Brinckerhoff,that envisions8either utopia9or a nightmare.

[12] In the best case, congestion is reduced because driverless cars and trucks are safer and can travel faster with reduced space between them. Highway lanes can be narrower because vehicles won’t need as much margin10for will be fewer accidents to tie up traffic. But those advantages will be limited as long as driverless cars share roads with conventional cars, likely for decades.

文章来源:《汽车实用技术》 网址: http://www.qcsyjs.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0119/715.html


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